The Laughing Armadillo presents her views on World politics from a UK perspective.

Warning: The following content may be offensive to sexists, racists, homophobes, Conservatives, Republicans and sociopaths.
Over the next few months I will be concentrating mostly on the US primaries and subsequent elections. That's a whole lot of crazy for you to enjoy.

I'm worried for humanity, disturbed and furious.
I have become the Raging Armadillo.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

USA Presidential Candidacy - Pre-New Hampshire Air

Every four years an extraordinary event takes place across the pond. The United States hold their primaries to chose who will become the Presidential Candidate to face the existing President in the nation-wide elections held at the end of the year. And this year is special, because there is a Democrat in the White House we are treated to the biggest political car crash on Earth as the Republican Party Candidates fight to become leader. And I just can't seem to look away from the carnage.

In last weeks caucus in Iowa Mitt Romney (I promise a breakdown of the front runners, who they are and their crazy arse policies as soon as New Hampshire primaries are over) won by just 8 votes, while Rick Santorum finished in second place, with many claiming it was a bigger victory for Santorum. I think of all of the candidates, Santorum maybe the craziest and most offensive of them all. That's not to say the other's aren't disgusting human beings, but if this race for candidacy is about who is the most horrible human on the face of the earth, this guy might just win. Any way, I found an awesome little video explaining why Santorum may have lost in the Iowa caucus by the crazy guys from College Humour.

This week all eyes are on New Hampshire and in a few hours we should know whose won there. If Mitt Romney wanted to see a repeat of his success in Iowa, one would imagine all he had to do was keep his mouth shut. Unfortunately he was unable to do so and a couple of days ago made a very silly mistake while talking about health care insurers and the wonder that is the free market. A little back story. As CEO of Bain Capital Romney built a reputation for buying up small businesses, letting off the workforce and stripping the company's assets for gain. Here's a good explanation of what happened the day that Mitt Romney admitted he liked firing people from a big supporter of Occupy Wall Street.

So, when Romney made this declaration his fellow Republican rivals jumped on it like cats in heat. One candidate who took full advantage was Newt Gingrich who commissioned a $3.4M filmette. One can't say whether it will have a massive effect in New Hampshire until tonight, but the trailer is already being shown in South Carolina where Romney's campaign was sure to lose steam even before the sound-bite blunder. The whole thing runs to like 25 minutes, so here's the trailer.
Such vicious attacks are not entirely uncommon in the UK, but its not just the media that creates the storm out there, its the candidates themselves and the sheer cost of stabbing each other in the back is mind-boggling. Its the real world equivalent of paint-balling, only you're all on the same team. Its political suicide to even think about running for Presidential Candidate. And the trouble is, with this crazy bunch, once November comes, if any of them are left standing, they may just be in such bad shape that the only reasonable choice for presidency is Obama. 

1 comment:

  1. As a US politics dunce, I found this very helpful and informative. Thanks!
